DIM BioConvS : Equipment grant call 2025

BioConvergence for Health (BioConvS) is a Major Research and Innovation Domain (DIM) of the Île-de-France Region, aimed at structuring research communities in synthetic biology, biotherapy, and bioproduction to support the transition from scientific excellence to innovation and position Île-de-France as an international reference in the field.

BioConvS is led by Université Paris Cité in partnership with Sorbonne Université, Institut Curie - PSL, Institut Micalis (INRAe, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay), INSERM, Généthon, Génopole, and others. Bringing together public and private sector stakeholders, BioConvS benefits from a maximum of €12.5M in funding from the Île-de-France Region over the entire 2022-2026 accreditation period. More details on DIM BioConvS at: https://bioconvs.org/

About this call

This DIM BioConvS equipment call for projects is open from 11/02/2025 to 01/06/2025 and allocates a provisional budget of approximately €750K to fund the purchase of equipment. The equipment will be funded by the Île-de-France Region with a maximum intervention rate of 66% of the pre-tax expenses. Therefore, co-funding of 34% must be justified in the funding application.

Each principal investigator may submit only one request for the funding of equipment, with a total cost of at least €7,500 (resulting in a minimum subsidy of €4,950).

The subsidy amount granted by the DIM is a maximum amount: actual expenses (upon presentation of invoices) are subsidized at the intervention rate up to the total approved subsidy. For example, if the actual pre-tax expenses for equipment amount to €37,879 with an intervention rate of 66%, the subsidy will be €25,000.

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